Hilltop Bible Church – Bylaws
Article I – Name
The name of this local body of Christ shall be Hilltop Bible Church, referred to hereafter
in this document as “the church”, or by its initials HBC.
Article II – Limitations
The Bylaws of the church shall always be subject to the authority of the Scriptures found
in the Old and New Testaments.
Article III – Purpose
The primary purpose of HBC is to glorify God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ through worship that comprises all the actions and attitudes of life devoted to the
obedience of God’s Word. The means of pursuing this purpose shall include, but not
limited to:
· The expositional teaching and preaching of the whole counsel of God found in
the Scriptures (Neh. 8:8; Acts 2:42; 20:27; Tit 2:1; 2 Tm 4:2)
· The public reading of Scripture (Eph 3:4; 1 Tim 4:13)
· Corporate prayer (Col 4:2-4; Phil 4:6; 1 Tim 2:1, 8)
· Observing the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Mt 28:19; 1 Cor
· Sacrificial giving to the work of God (1 Cor 16:1-2; 2 Cor 8-9)
· Using our spiritual gifts for the benefit of the members of the church (1 Pt 4:10)
· Discipleship of other Christians (1 Thes 5:14)
· Encourage one another in holy living and hold each other accountable to the
teaching of Scripture (Gal. 6:1-2; Mt 18:15-20)
· Evangelize the world through living, teaching, and preaching the Word of God
(Mt 28:19, 20)
Hilltop Bible Church will operate exclusively for religious, charitable, and educational
purposes within the classification of legal charities, and no part of the net earnings of
the church shall inure to the benefit of any individual; and no substantial part of the
activities of the church, or any receipt of its funds, shall be utilized for any other
purposes except those mentioned above.
The church shall not have or issue shares of stock, and no dividends shall be paid. No
part of the income or assets of the church shall be distributed to any member or officer
without a process of full consideration as determined by the Elders of HBC. The church
is prohibited from lending money to guarantee the obligation of a member or officer of
the church. No member or officer of the church has any vested right, interest, or
privilege in or to the assets, property, functions, or activities of the church. The church
may contract, in due course, for reasonable consideration, with its members or officers
without violating this provision subject to the church’s then current Conflict of Interest
Article IV – Location of Office
The registered office of the church shall be within Rutherford County, Tennessee at
such address as the Elders shall determine. The Board of Elders, with confirmation by a
majority vote of the members, may change the address of the registered office from
time to time, upon filing the appropriate documents with state officials.
Article V – Membership
Section 1. Purpose of Membership
Church membership is an important part of the Christian life. Membership in HBC is a
public expression of a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ (1 Cor 1:9; 1 Jn
1:3) and communicates a desire to glorify Christ through mutual accountability with
other Christians, a willingness to use one’s spiritual gifts for the benefit of the body of
Christ (1 Cor 14:12; Eph 4:15, 16; 1 Pt 4:10, 11), and a desire to be equipped for the
work of service and grow in Christian maturity (Eph 4:12-16).
Section 2. Requirements of Membership
The following requirements must be met for membership at Hilltop Bible Church:
· Salvation – Individuals desiring to become members of Hilltop Bible Church must
provide a verbal and written testimony of their salvation experience. We
recognize that not every Christian has a dramatic conversion experience; rather
their salvation experience may have been a gradual awareness of their sinful
state, their need for repentance, and faith in Christ.
· Baptism – Baptism is a public identification with the person of Jesus Christ, His
death, and His resurrection (Rm 6:3-5). Since baptism is to be one of the first
acts of obedience of a new Christian, it is obvious that conversion must precede
baptism. Therefore, individuals desiring to become members of HBC first must
have been baptized as a believer. HBC baptizes by immersion anyone who gives
a credible testimony to genuine salvation. In the event an individual is physically
unable to undergo baptism by immersion, the Elders maintain the right to make
an exception on a case by case basis.
· Statement of Faith – Individuals desiring membership must read and affirm the
HBC Statement of Faith. By agreeing with the Statement of Faith, a member
acknowledges these are the doctrines held and taught by HBC, and that no one
may cause confusion or division in the church by teaching, promoting, or
disseminating doctrines contrary to the Statement of Faith.
· Membership Covenant – All potential members of HBC are asked to read and
affirm the membership covenant, thereby agreeing to support the policies and
beliefs of this church. They must have a willingness to use their spiritual gifts for
the benefit and edification of the church, and they must agree to be held
accountable by the leaders and members of HBC, including submitting to loving
corrective discipline if necessary as prescribed in Matthew 18:15-20 and
Galatians 6:1-2.
· Age – Individuals must be 18 years or older to be considered for membership.
Section 3. Process of Membership
The following process is recommended for those desiring membership at HBC:
· Attend and complete a New Member’s class on the fundamentals of the Christian
· Read and affirm the Statement of Faith and Bylaws
· Complete and submit the membership application to a staff pastor or elder
· Participate in a membership interview conducted by an elder or someone
designated by the elders.
· Two weeks after completing the membership process, the individual desiring
membership will be presented to the church at a regularly scheduled worship
service in order to give the person an opportunity to publicly affirm the
membership covenant and be welcomed into the church family.
Section 4. Policies
· HBC appreciates letters of transfer from other churches, but does not recognize
these as substitutes for the membership process.
· Members who may decide to withdraw their membership from HBC are
requested to contact an elder and personally communicate their intent.
· HBC does not retain an “inactive” membership role.
· Members who have a prolonged absence from worship services are encouraged
to communicate any difficulties with church leaders. If a member is absent longer
than two consecutive months, the elders of the church, in keeping with our Lord’s
teaching in Matthew 5:23, 24, will try to resolve any issues or accommodate any
special circumstances (e.g. illness, school, military, work, etc.). If no resolution is
reached, the absentee member will be released from the membership role of
HBC at the discretion of the Elder Board.
· Former members of HBC may be reinstated to membership at the discretion of
the Elder Board.
· Church members who persist in unrepentant sin will be subject to the four step
process of church discipline outlined in Matthew 18:15-20. The goal of this
process is always restoration and reconciliation, not punitive or vindictive (see
Article VII).
Article VI – Congregational Meetings
Section 1. Weekly Services
CBC holds worship services on Sunday, and any other day deemed beneficial to the
members of the church.
Section 2. Meeting of Members
2.1 – Annual Meeting
There shall be an annual Member’s Meeting, the purpose of which is to provide financial
and ministry reports to the members, approval of the church budget, and other business
pertinent to the function of HBC. The time and place of the meeting will be announced
from the pulpit or communicated in writing at least two weeks in advance of the meeting
2.2 – Special Meetings
From time to time special meetings of the membership of HBC will be called by the
elder board and announced to the church membership. No other business shall be
conducted other than that stated in the announcement. Except in the event of an
emergency, church members will be notified at least one week prior to the special
2.3 – Decisions
A quorum of the church consists of forty percent of the voting members. Once a quorum
is established, a simple majority of votes is required to approve a motion unless
otherwise stipulated in these Bylaws. A member must be present to vote, and no votes
may be cast by proxy or email. All meetings will be conducted in a manner as befits a
follower of Christ and in the spirit of Philippians 2:2-4.
Article VII – Church Discipline
Church discipline will be exercised according to the pattern established by our Lord
Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:15-18.
The subject of church discipline is, more often than not, ignored, misunderstood, or
wrongly applied in the church today. It is usually cast in a negative light, and branded as
“unloving and judgmental”. Nothing could be further from the truth. The following lays
out the biblical principles and practice of church discipline.
· Discipline is positive, not negative (Hebrews 12:1-14)
· The purpose of church discipline is threefold:
A. To glorify God by maintaining the purity of the church (1 Corinthians
B. The restoration and reconciliation of a Christian who is persisting in sin.
(Prov.13:24; James 5:20; Galatians 6:1-2)
C. As a warning to others in the church of the seriousness of sin (1
Timothy 5:20)
The practice of church discipline is a fourfold process outlined in Matthew 18:15-
A. Knowledge of the sin is restricted to the smallest group possible
(Mt 18:15-17)
1. The initial meeting should be a private, one on one meeting
(Mt 18:15)
2. If a private meeting is unsuccessful, two or three others should
be brought into the process in order to call the sinning person to
repentance (Mt 18:16)
3. If the small group is unsuccessful, the entire church is made
aware of the situation so they can pursue the sinning person in
calling them to repentance (Mt 18:17)
4. If the sinning person refuses to listen to the entire church, he/she
is to be excluded from the fellowship of the church and
considered an evangelistic prospect, not a brother or sister in
Christ (Mt 18:17)
B. Disciplinary measures increase in severity until a solution is reached
In order for the church to maintain a credible witness to the world, we must show that
there is a distinction between the church and the world – that being a Christian results in
a different life. If someone refuses to live a life consistent with their profession of faith,
the church needs to follow Jesus’ instructions for the glory of God, the purity of the
church, and for the erring person’s own good.
Therefore, any member of HBC who engages in conduct that violates Scripture, as
determined by the Board of Elders, shall be subject to church discipline and possible
dismissal from the church according to Matthew 18:15-18.
If the sinning individual, after being dismissed from the church, heeds the warnings of
the church, demonstrates repentance, and requests reinstatement to membership, then
the Board of Elders shall publicly restore such individual with all the rights, duties,
privileges, and responsibilities of membership.
In the event where one or more of the following have occurred,
1. Where the sin and refusal to repent have been open and public to the offence
of the entire church (1 Cor 5:1-5);
2. Where the disciplined party has taught, promoted, or otherwise disseminated
doctrine deemed false or erroneous by the Board of Elders, then ignored or
disregarded the reproof and direction of the elders (Rm 16:17); or
3. Where the disciplined person has disregarded two warnings to cease from
factious and divisive conduct (Titus 3:10-11);
then the elders, at their discretion, may proceed directly to the third or fourth stage of
church discipline.
The members of this church agree that there shall be no appeal to any civil or criminal
court as a result of dismissal from the church or from public statements made to the
church during the third and fourth stages of church discipline. Members who are under
church discipline forfeit and waive the right to resign from membership. Only members
who are in good standing and not under church discipline may resign from membership.
Article VIII – Church Government
Section 1. Authority
This church acknowledges and recognizes the Lord Jesus Christ alone as its Head; the
Scriptures as contained in both the Old and New Testaments as the only infallible guide
to faith, godly living, church order, and discipline; the Holy Spirit as our Teacher; and is
neither accountable to nor under the jurisdiction or supervision of any other
ecclesiastical body. The provisions of Article VIII, Section 1 shall not be abridged by any
vote of the membership.
Section 2. Elders
2.1 – Powers
Subject to the limitations of these Bylaws, all the activities and affairs of HBC shall be
exercised by or under the direction of the Board of Elders, who are responsible for the
spiritual oversight and care of the membership (Acts 20:28; Hebrews 13:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13; 1 Timothy 5:17). The church can only thrive when its decisions are made
in conformity to Scripture, and as each member (including leadership) submits in love to
one another under the authority of Scripture and Jesus Christ as the Head of the Body
(Ephesians 4:11-16; Romans 12:4-13; Philippians 2:1-4).
2.2 – Priorities of the Board of Elders
The following should characterize those who serve as elders:
· Lead a holy life as an example to the church (Hebrews 13:7; Philippians 3:17; 1
Thessalonians 1:6; 1 Timothy 4:12; Titus 2:7)
· Serve and rule the church of God with a servant’s heart and attitude (Philippians
2:1-4; 2 Timothy 2:3; 1 Peter 5:1-3)
· Teach and lead the church in sound doctrine (1 Timothy 4:6, 16; 2 Timothy 4:2;
Titus 2:1, 7, 15)
· Equip the church for ministry (Ephesians 4:11, 12)
· Warn and protect the church from false teachers, false teaching, and error as a
shepherd protects his flock from wolves, and defend sound doctrine (Acts 20:28-
30; Galatians 1:6, 7; 1 Timothy 1:3, 4, 18-20; 6:20, 21; 2 Timothy 4:3-5; Titus 1:9-
11; Jude 3-4)
· Fervently pray and diligently study the Word of God (Ezra 7:10; Acts 6:2, 4; 1
Timothy 4:16; 2 Timothy 2:15)
· Be free from self-interest or self-seeking ambition (1 Thessalonians 2:5-6; 1
Corinthians 9:19)
2.3 – Number
The number of elder-qualified men on the Elder Board shall be at least three. As the
church increases in members, elders may be added as necessary to properly care for
the increase. However, as a church plant, the church-planting pastor shall have the
authority to lead HBC until at least three elder qualified men join the church.
2.4 – Equality
All elders are equally responsible for the oversight of the church, and all have equal
authority on the Elder Board. However, as spiritual gifts vary among individuals, elders
with greater giftedness in teaching will carry a larger part of the responsibility for
teaching the church.
2.5 – Selection
Candidates being considered for the office of elder, including the commitment inherent
thereto, shall be carefully examined by the Board of Elders as to their desire, their
qualifications (see Section 2.6), and their support of the Bylaws and Statement of Faith.
The following steps comprise the process by which the Board of Elders will evaluate a
potential elder candidate to discern God’s gifting and qualifications for spiritual leadership:
1. Consideration – The Board of Elders must unanimously agree that an individual who
desires to be an elder has the potential for spiritual leadership. This step may be
initiated by the Elders, by recommendation by the congregation, or by the candidate (1
Timothy 3:1).
2. Demonstration – The Elders will evaluate a candidate’s biblical qualifications,
giftedness, spiritual maturity, and leadership skills (1 Timothy 3:1-7).
3. Presentation – After a biblical evaluation has been completed, and if the serving
Elders are in unanimous agreement as to the candidate’s qualifications as an elder, the
congregation will be notified of the candidate’s desire to serve. Once the Elders have
considered any additional insight provided by the congregation, the candidate will be
presented to the church for a vote of affirmation, which will consist of at least a three-fourths majority, as one whom God has qualified for spiritual leadership. All voting will take place by written ballots.
Elders may be either staff pastors employed by the church or non-staff elders not
employed by the church. Staff pastors will be considered, selected, and hired with the
understanding that they will automatically be required to serve as elders. Therefore, all
prospective staff pastors must meet the biblical qualifications of an elder found in 1
Timothy 3:2-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
2.6 – Qualifications
A prospective non-staff elder candidate must have been a member of HBC for at least
one year, during which time he has demonstrated godly character, faithfulness to the
membership covenant, and qualities of spiritual leadership. The office of elder is
confined to males (1 Timothy 3:1, 2). While God has gifted women to serve in various
roles within the church, Scripture clearly restricts the office of elder to men. The apostle
Paul bases this distinction on God’s intended order in creation (1 Tm 2:12-14). This
distinction is not based on any inferiority in women, but on the divinely ordained roles
God has established for men and women. A prospective elder must meet the biblical
qualifications for elder delineated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
2.7 – Accountability
The elder is first and foremost accountable to God (Hebrews 13:17; 1 Pt 5:1-5).
Secondarily the elders are accountable to each other and to the members of the church.
If an elder errs, the primary goal is always spiritual restoration (Galatians 6:1-5). If an
elder should engage in activities that disqualify him for spiritual leadership, the Board of
Elders will require his resignation. The standard of accountability must always be
consistent with Matthew 18:15-18 and 1 Timothy 5:19. Church members are
encouraged to express concerns to the elders, or discuss potential ministry
opportunities. Any church member may attend an elders’ meeting, but he/she must first
notify the Chairman of the Elders of their intent at least 3 days before the scheduled
meeting. The Board of Elders may reserve a part of any elders’ meeting for confidential
2.8 – Decisions by the Board of Elders
The Board of Elders will function according to the principle of unanimity. Decisions shall
be reached after prayerful consideration only by consensus of the Board of Elders in a
spirit of humility, regarding one another as more important than themselves.
In cases of normal business, a quorum consists of a majority of elders present.
However, absent elders should be notified as soon as possible of important decisions,
and strong objections will warrant reconsideration of decisions.
If the matter under consideration involves large expenditures of capital (i.e. nonbudgeted or undesignated expenses), affirming an elder or deacon, supporting a
missionary, approval of the annual budget, or the amendment to or modification of the
Bylaws or Statement of Faith, a quorum shall consist of all members of the Elder Board.
The Board of Elders shall seek the approval of the congregation on any of the aforementioned decisions. A three-fourths majority of voting members present is required to approve any of these decisions.
The Board of Elders may call, or request the dismissal of a staff pastor for reasons other
than disqualification if its decision is unanimous (not including the pastor under
consideration) and approved by three-fourths of the voting members. A pastor that is
dismissed or resigns for reasons other than disqualification will receive 60 days
severance. When calling a staff pastor, the Elder Board shall act as the search
committee, and may designate other church members to be a part of the search
2.9 – Elder-appointed Member Committees
To facilitate the efficient handling of church business, the Board of Elders may appoint
various committees from within the HBC membership. These committees may be long
term (e.g. Finance Committee, Building and Grounds Committee, Missions Committee),
or short term (e.g. VBS, Special Events, etc.). These committees shall perform tasks
solely in accordance with the duties and with the powers delegated by the Board of
Elders. The general functions of the committees shall be:
· To bring recommendations concerning ministries to the Board of Elders
· To provide a wider base of counsel to the Elders in their general oversight of
specific ministries
2.10 – Offices
The Board of Elders shall choose a Chairman, Vice-chairman, and Secretary from
among the serving Elders.
2.11 – Terms of Office
All elders shall serve as long as they desire the office, are biblically qualified, and are
physically and mentally able. Staff elders will serve on the Elder Board for the duration
of their employment by the church. The Chairman, Vice-chairman, and Secretary shall
serve one year terms, and be chosen at the first elders’ meeting of each calendar year.
Any elder may resign effective upon giving written notice to the Chairman or the Vicechairman of the Board of Elders. Staff elders who resign from the Elder Board are
likewise resigning from their employment by HBC. A temporary absence from the Elder
Board may be requested and granted by the Board upon review of the circumstances
surrounding the request.
2.12 – Delegation of Deacons
The Board of Elders shall nominate Deacons as delineated in Article VIII, Section 5.
Section 3. – Staff Elders
3.1 – Qualifications
As elders, staff pastors must meet the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and
Titus 1:6-9.
3.2 – Responsibilities
The primary responsibility of a pastor is “the equipping of the saints for the work of
service” (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Timothy 4:6, 11, 14-16, 21; 2 Timothy 2:1, 2, 14, 15; 4:2;
Titus 2:1, 15; 3:8). Along with an equipping ministry, the pastors will also be responsible for the spiritual welfare of the congregation. The Board of Elders will determine the specific areas of responsibility for all staff elders.
3.3 – Term of Service
A staff elder shall serve for an indefinite period of time. Dismissal shall be in accordance
with Article VIII, Section 2.11 and carry a thirty days notice, except in cases where
dismissal is the result of disqualification, whereby dismissal is immediate. All staff elders
who resign their position shall give at least thirty days prior notice to the Board of Elders
of their intent to resign. The Elder Board shall not consist of more than fifty-percent
pastoral staff.
Section 4. – Non-staff Elders
The non-staff elders, in addition to their biblical elder responsibilities, are responsible for
facilitating discussion of, and pro-active determination of, salary, benefit packages (i.e.
health insurance, pension plans, vacation, conferences, resources, etc.), and other
financial issues related to the staff elders and other church employees. In the event that
there are less than two non-staff elders, these issues will be determined by the currently
serving non-staff elder along with the Chairman of the Deacons.
Section 5. – Deacons
5.1 – Purpose
The role of Deacon shall be one of service and not governing, and in a support role to
the elders, assisting the elders in implementing the goals which the elders believe the
Spirit of God is leading them to pursue in the local church (Acts 6:1-6). The deacons will
lovingly, humbly, and self-sacrificially minister to the physical needs of the congregation
through acts of mercy and compassion. Such acts shall include, but are not limited to:
· Caring for widows and orphans
· Hospitality
· Helping the needy
· Providing for those with special needs
· Benevolence
· Exercising good stewardship
Deacons will also be responsible for the care and maintenance of property and facilities
owned by the church, and assisting the elders with the oversight of church finances.
5.2 – Qualifications
A deacon must have been a member of HBC for a minimum of one year, faithful to the
membership covenant, and fulfill the requirements set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. The
qualifications for the office of deacon are essentially the same as those for the elder
with the exception that the deacon need not be “able to teach” (1 Timothy 3:2). As with
the office of elder, the office of deacon is restricted to males (1 Timothy 3:8).
However, the title of deaconess seems to have been applied to women (Romans 16:1).
A deaconess is not an office of the church, but a title for those women who serve in a
support role to the elders and deacons in ministry to the congregation. The deaconess
ministers primarily to the needs of women, fulfills the requirements of 1 Timothy 3:11,
and serves as a “Titus 2” woman (Titus 2:3-5).
5.3 – Selection and Terms
Deacons shall be selected by the Board of Elders and presented to the congregation for
confirmation. Unless designated otherwise by the elders, the term of office for a deacon
shall be two years with the possibility of being affirmed for another two year term. The
Elder Board may establish a nominating committee to help with filling key ministry roles,
such as that of deacon.
5.4 – Board of Deacons
The Board of Deacons shall select their officers, subject to approval by the Elder Board.
All decisions of the Board of Deacons shall be by simple majority vote.
Section 6. – Non-pastoral Church Staff
Additional support staff (i.e. secretaries, administrator, etc.) may be hired at the
discretion of the Elder Board with consideration given to the current budget.
Article IX – Church Records
The church shall keep the following records:
· Minutes of elders’ and deacons’ meetings
· Minutes of all congregational meetings
· Up to date membership rolls
· Resolutions adopted by the Elder Board
· Appropriate accounting records
· The Bylaws, Statement of Faith, and all current amendments to the same
Any member shall be entitled to inspect and copy any of the above records, with the
exception of congregational giving records, provided the Elder Board finds that the
member has a legitimate purpose. This shall be done at a reasonable time and location,
specified by the Board of Elders, and upon reasonable notice of at least five business
days. The Elder Board may limit access to any records that contain confidential
Article X – Finances
Section 1. – Financial Support
HBC will be supported by the offerings of its people, who give as God prospers and
according to His leading (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
Section 2. – Treasurer
The church treasurer shall be appointed by the elders, and will serve for as long as
he/she is willing and physically and mentally able. The treasurer shall be responsible for
the timely payment of the church’s financial obligations, keeping accurate and up to
date financial records, and shall provide periodic financial reports to the Elder Board.
These reports will be made available for viewing by members upon request.
Section 3. – Annual Budget
The church’s annual budget shall be prepared by the Elder Board and be based upon
financial information provided by the treasurer. The proposed budget will be submitted
to the congregation a minimum of one week prior to being presented at the Annual
Members Meeting for congregational approval.
Article XI – Teachers
All teachers shall submit themselves to, and teach in accordance with, the Statement of
Faith and Bylaws of HBC. They shall also be faithful to the membership covenant, and
seek to be an example of godly character to the church body.
Article XII – Missionaries
All missionaries supported through the church shall submit themselves to the official
Missions Policy of the church and shall be approved by the Board of Elders. To assist
with these approvals, the Elder Board may appoint a Missions Committee, which shall
consist of at least one elder, one deacon, and members of the church; the number of
which shall be determined by the Elder Board and which may vary from time to time.
Article XIII – Licensing and Ordination
Section 1. – Licensing
An HBC license, as recognized by the State of Tennessee, is issued by the Elder Board
and approved by the congregation in recognition of a man’s call to the gospel ministry.
The purpose of the license is to allow a man to perform ecclesiastical duties and
sacerdotal functions associated with ministry (e.g. weddings, funerals). The license
indicates that he meets the qualifications of being a “clergyman” in the eyes of the
Section 2. – Ordination
Ordination by HBC refers to the unanimous recognition by the Board of Elders of a
man’s call to ministry, his biblical qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9), plus his
recognized capabilities for Christian ministry. The latter includes the ability to preach
and teach. The candidate for ordination will be examined by an Ordination Council,
which will consist of the Elder Board or a panel designated by the Elder Board, to
assess the doctrinal preparation of the candidate. The council session can be open to
non-elders, including the candidate’s family members unless otherwise requested by
the candidate. The candidate will be questioned concerning pertinent areas of theology,
biblical knowledge, pastoral ministry, and spiritual life. If affirmed by the elders, the
candidate shall be presented to the congregation for affirmation, receive “the laying on
of hands” by the elders, and be presented with a certificate of ordination. Ordination
shall be conferred for life so long as the man continues to manifest the qualifications of
the office.
Article XIV – Ordinances
Section 1. – Believer’s Baptism
See Article V, Section 2.
Section 2. – The Lord’s Supper
At HBC we practice open communion. All those who have submitted to Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior, striving to live a life of obedience to His Word, and are living in
fellowship with the Lord, are welcome to partake of the Lord’s Supper. We strongly
encourage parents not to let their children partake unless they are certain their children
understand the import of the Lord’s Supper and the need for careful self-examination
before partaking of the elements.
Article XV – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution, the assets of HBC will be distributed in accordance with a
plan of distribution adopted by the Elder Board and approved by the congregation by
simple majority vote. No part of the assets of HBC shall benefit any pastor, elder,
deacon, member, donor, or private individual, except for required dissolution expenses.
All assets must be distributed to one or more organizations whose purpose is consistent
with that of HBC. Dissolution shall be by three-fourths of the voting membership at a
special meeting called solely for this purpose.
Article XVI – Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by three-fourths vote of the voting
members in attendance at any Members Meeting. Proposed amendments must be
submitted to the Elder Board at least four weeks prior to the Members Meeting, at which
a vote will be taken, and, if approved by the Board of Elders, must be made available to
the membership at least two weeks in advance of the meeting date.